Javier Damiani's logo
Never One Alone - NOA

I collaborated with a skilled team to develop NOA, an innovative web app connecting gamers based on their video game interests. Utilizing React, TypeScript, and real-time chat, we created a platform for gamers to find their perfect teammates. Proud of our achievement and excited to enhance the gaming community. 🚀

Comic Nest

I collaborated with a talented team to develop a full-stack comic ecommerce platform. Using React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS, we created a seamless and user-centric shopping experience. Proud of this achievement and excited to innovate further in comic ecommerce. 🚀.


A captivating React-based project that seamlessly blends the world of Pokémon with cat adoption. Utilizing ReactJS for dynamic user interfaces, CSS for stylish designs, and the famous PokeAPI for Pokémon data, PokeCats offers an enchanting experience. Experience the magic in every meow!

Around the U.S.

My full-stack project provides a seamless experience for user registration, login, photo posting, and deletion. Built with ReactJS, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and powered by MongoDB and Node.js, this web application delivers effortless functionality and a comprehensive user experience.

Learning to learn

🌟 My inaugural project at the bootcamp, Learning to Learn, is a captivating exploration of the learning process. 📚 Crafted with CSS and HTML, it serves as the cornerstone where my coding journey began. 🚀 This project symbolizes not just the start of my technical skills development, but also my passion for continuous learning and growth in the coding world. 🌱